May 31st, 2010
Retalhos Cariocas: “Bombando” at Fashion Rio!
Upcoming fashion stars Retalhos Cariocas have been making waves in Rio’s São Cristovão neighbourhood since 2008. This weekend the label, run by six friends, was displaying its wares at Rio-A-Porter, the business wing of the city’s bi-annual fashion show, for the first time. The business operates out of the residents association in the Barreira do Vasco community, a stone’s throw away from the stadium of Vasco football team and uses recycled fabrics donated by factories in the region to make accessories, footwear and coming soon, a clothes collection. The colourful and exuberant work of Retalhos Cariocas typifies the best aspects of life in Rio and is sure to go a long way. Watch this space!
Parabéns Damian! Seu site é muito bem escrito e gostei das edições, super informativas!
Congratulations! Your site has a good writing. I like your edits, very informative!